Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Merry Christmas 2012.....so glad the world did not end  on the 21st......I would have missed so many good times the 22, 23,24,25! Things just keep getting better.  We got our White Christmas, had a fun Christmas Eve with the Cooks and now am enjoying Christmas day.  We will take in "Le Mes" later today.  Got so much for  Christmas and enjoyed the love of all the family.  I am also waiting to hear from Alex......maybe......if they can connect my phone with theirs and skype!  I need to get dressed and deliver some neighbor gifts.  I am so thankful this day for all I have and for the 80 past Christmases.  I just wish our world was in better shape, but I guess God is giving us what we have earned out there, with all the killings of children, fireman, family members etc.  Our world is becoming very wicked......starting with Obama.  It will be hard for some people to have a Merry Christmas this year. But being positive, Thank you all for a great day.

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