Saturday, December 29, 2012


Happy Birthday Richie......I am sorry your leaning a bit but for the life of me I can't find out how to stand you up.......and I want your latest picture in your new suit all dressed up ready for your new Mission.....19 years ago, my how time passes.  I am so excited you are going to Mexico and can learn the language which will come in handy in the years to come.  I am very proud of you and all the great things you have done......but I will really miss you.  But, for today celebrate your 19 years up in the snow and have a good day!
We are really in a freeze this week with temperatures in the 20"s, but it is pretty outside.  Leslie called me yesterday from California where her family had a beach house for a few days and she said she was freezing to death, will be glad to come back to Arizona today!  For those who love snow sports.....and there are many in my family.....the Christmas vacation has been a blast.  I am very thankful for my nice warm home with a new recliner pulled up in front of my little fireplace and put on a good movie.....that's my idea of a good afternoon. Well enjoy your last 3 days of 2012......and many more Happy Birthdays to Richard Benjamine Cook!

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