Sunday, December 16, 2012


This picture so helped my breaking heart as the past two days have shook up the whole world with the news of a 20 year old man going into a grade school and shooting 20, 6 and 7 years and five teachers. Just babies excited about Santa Claus and loving school.  I can't even begin to image the hurt these families feel burying a child before Christmas.  I have said many times, it is a lot easier losing a mate in death or divorce, (mine), than losing one of my three daughters.  A mate can be replaced, not a child!  I have to know those 20 precious spirits were received in heaven by God with all their grandparents, and relatives gathered around happy to welcome them home, where we all will eventually go.  Of course, there are a million "whys" out there, even why would God let this happen?  I don't have any answers and truly live by the saying.....'Things happen for a reason.....just believe."  All I can say is, "please bless those families."

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