Thursday, December 20, 2012


What are we teaching our children about Christmas?  To focus on presents or GOD's presence?  It is so sad all the sick people out there that cannot face other's freedom of speech and worship.  The word Mohammad does not bother me one way or the other, why is there a fight to get ride of God and Jesus.  But, I promised myself to concentrate on good and positive , so moving on.....
The great Russian author Leo Tolstory began his novel "Anna.Karenina" with these words:  "Happy families are All a like, every unhappy family is unhappy in it's own way."  Happy families have in common.
 , a way of forgiving and forgetting the imperfections of others and looking for the good.  The unhappy ones on the other hand find fault, hold grudges and cannot let go of the past.  You hear a lot of yes, their sentences.
Karrie and kids came over last night and cleaned the house and got my tables set for the party Saturday......a great Christmas present for me.......and Scottie got to stay all night with me???? They are stingy with him. Did my hair this morning and Bev ask me to take her to the airport this afternoon.....Time is flying.
"Old age ain't for wimps...But it beats dying young.....Hell to get old....."  Jane Fonda

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