Monday, December 31, 2012


So on the very last day of 2012 I say I had a very good year.  My health and family were all good and we have moved day by day smoothly into 2013.  I did a bit of what I love  I spent last Christmas with the Cooks on a cruise to the Bahamas.  February I took my three girls on a cruise to Belize etc.  April I spent a week in Cancun at a resort with the Christensons.......and my Alex went to Brazil on an LDS mission.  End of June I went on a cruise with the Panniers to Alaska.  It was fun being with the grand children and watching them discover our wonderful world.  I decided not to let Obama being re-elected president ruin my life......I still have my family and God! I also have many wonderful friends out there.The Cooks are with the Christensons at their Park City cabin for New Years Eve and the Panniers are at their cabin in Island Park, ID celebrating tonight.  I am off with friends to the "'Tiberon" for dinner.....tomorrow to see "The Hobbit". ....and Wednesday right back into the old routine and 2013. There will be the bills to get out and the Christmas decorations to put away.  But with the excitement of getting Richie off on an LDS Mission to Mexico.......and life goes on. Happy New Years Eve!
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."  RALPH WALDO EMERSON

Sunday, December 30, 2012

COUNTING DOWN 2012.......

AMEN......What lies ahead for America?  I guess you could say the world as we know it ends every day at midnight and a new one starts again.
This has been going on for ages.....sort of, because as an even older man, a Greek philosopher called Heraclitus is supposed to have said, "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man.".....the river changes, the man changes constantly!  The world, as it was, as we knew it, ends every single minute. People die. People are born. Friendships are made and lost. Marriages, divorces, remarriage all take place.  Jobs begin, Careers end and begin.....Now is different than then, which was different than later.and will continue to change. You age one day at a time and hopefully grow into a better you.  But, bottom line is to enjoy every single moment of your life.  If its bad change it if you can, if its good, be thankful.
On this cold winter day I watch the little birds fight for a place on my bird feeder and feel happy I can make their day better.  I am going to dinner at the Cooks to celebrate my grandson Richie's 19 birthday.  I am thankful for so many things and I am happy the world didn't end on 12-21-2012!

Saturday, December 29, 2012


Happy Birthday Richie......I am sorry your leaning a bit but for the life of me I can't find out how to stand you up.......and I want your latest picture in your new suit all dressed up ready for your new Mission.....19 years ago, my how time passes.  I am so excited you are going to Mexico and can learn the language which will come in handy in the years to come.  I am very proud of you and all the great things you have done......but I will really miss you.  But, for today celebrate your 19 years up in the snow and have a good day!
We are really in a freeze this week with temperatures in the 20"s, but it is pretty outside.  Leslie called me yesterday from California where her family had a beach house for a few days and she said she was freezing to death, will be glad to come back to Arizona today!  For those who love snow sports.....and there are many in my family.....the Christmas vacation has been a blast.  I am very thankful for my nice warm home with a new recliner pulled up in front of my little fireplace and put on a good movie.....that's my idea of a good afternoon. Well enjoy your last 3 days of 2012......and many more Happy Birthdays to Richard Benjamine Cook!

Friday, December 28, 2012


As the famous poem goes......"Yes, Virginia there is Santa Claus.  He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exists, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy.  Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus!  It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginia's........No Santa Claus! thank God he lives and lives forever.  A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood."  Yes, there is a Santa, and the one you see is my 11 year old Scottie, who volunteered to be Santa at Grammie's Christmas party.  I made the Santa outfit many years ago for Sherrie to have a Santa at their work party, it has been used for many years.  This year Scott borrowed it for his Halloween costume and decided to be Santa at the party......he was the star with his bag of presents to every ones delight.  Thank you Mr Scottie Santa! Will we see you next year????
Nicci , Bill and Ollie came by and had breakfast with me.  She is so neat and so far away.  They were excited to be going to the Barn for New Years......I was so happy they took time out of their busy schedule to squeeze in a visit to Gram. All grandchildren are special in their gram's hearts.
I can't help but think about my sister with her big heartiness rented a beach house for her family this year with a day at "Sea World"....I can't imagine trying to coordinate 26 people in eating, sleeping and keeping them happy.  HAPPY NEW YEARS LES........
Lots of cold and snow this week, did sneak out to a movie this afternoon. Good Ole 2012 almost done..

Thursday, December 27, 2012


This is Ann Moseley who traveled around the world with me.  She called me this morning to tell me she has been in the hospital for a month and is now in a care center to get way to spend Christmas.  She had five girls and I had three and we always had to find out who was PG before we planned our next trip somewhere.  Her girls are not very attentive and I know she feels neglected sometimes.  That is why I say have more than one child because if that only child is like my oldest daughter, you would get neglected.......She and Rob didn't even bother to wish me a Merry Christmas on Christmas day, but I believe in Karma......what you give out you get back or what goes around comes around and their day may come when that happens to them! But, moving on not looking back today was a good day.  Karrie came by and fixed my computer for me and showed me how to work the new drink maker they gave me for Christmas.  Talked to Bev, Shirley, Ann, and all compared notes on our holidays.......Don't think Ann and I will be doing any more traveling together for a long time, but we have many fun memories.....

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


These are the people that fill my life with love and happiness.  I feel lucky to have had 8 of my 9 grandchildren together for our Christmas party.  Sherrie got us a cut-out of Alex who is on an LDS Mission in Brazil, but in our thoughts and hearts that night. Pam's Tiff, Nicci and William.  Karrie's Richie, Andrea and Scottie and Sherrie's Brayden and Kennedy.......and ALEX the cute little guy in white......  I am so happy I closed my eyes!!!!! Next year Richie will be on a mission in Mexico, but you don't look back you keep looking forward.  Tiff is 30 and I have had her every Christmas since she was born.  Nicci getting married so may not always be home from Minnesota. You can see on Brayden's  shirt a couple of visitors that always come to us this time of year, we love their spirits.
Spent Christmas Night with the Cooks, had fun dinner, made gingerbread houses, opened a couple of presents and watched a movie.  So many fun things Christmas morning and my sock was full of fun things, plus new PJS, robe, food mixer and more.  They went to the Cook's family party while I delivered neighborhood gifts and napped, then we all went to see "LeMes"....I hated to go to bed, because Christmas 2012 would be over and I loved it so much. Snowy and cold.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Merry Christmas glad the world did not end  on the 21st......I would have missed so many good times the 22, 23,24,25! Things just keep getting better.  We got our White Christmas, had a fun Christmas Eve with the Cooks and now am enjoying Christmas day.  We will take in "Le Mes" later today.  Got so much for  Christmas and enjoyed the love of all the family.  I am also waiting to hear from Alex......maybe......if they can connect my phone with theirs and skype!  I need to get dressed and deliver some neighbor gifts.  I am so thankful this day for all I have and for the 80 past Christmases.  I just wish our world was in better shape, but I guess God is giving us what we have earned out there, with all the killings of children, fireman, family members etc.  Our world is becoming very wicked......starting with Obama.  It will be hard for some people to have a Merry Christmas this year. But being positive, Thank you all for a great day.

Monday, December 24, 2012


Yep, we are going to have a White is really coming down out there.  I hope I can get to the Cooks by five tonight.  I always stay alnight with the Cooks on Christmas Eve since Sherrie moved to Vernal, use to alternate years with them.  They never left me alone on the holidays since the divorce.  They have no idea how much that means to me! Pam called and invited me to go to lunch with her and the girls, but they were leaving in a half hour and I hadn't showered or gotten dressed......I don't hurry any more.  This old age stuff is for the birds!  Got a fun email from my missioary in Brazil.
He seemed up about missing his first Christmas away from home.  He promised he would go out and have a nice Christmas dinner with some of his Christmas money I sent him.  Love and miss him so much. Next year Richie will be gone.  I miss my sisters and brother and parents this time of year and remember all our fun Christmases growing up.  Didn't have much but that never seemed to matter.  I am sure there are some happy skiers and snowmobilers doing the snow dance.  Well, hope everyone has a nice Christmas Eve..........

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Yep, over the hills and through the woods, to grandmother's condo we go, for our great family Christmas Party......I am so lucky to have a family that love me and love each least once a year!  We gathered together last night for fun and games and good food.  My three wonderful girls bring food and help me get ready for a family party every Holiday. Every year it seems to get better.....we did miss our Missionary who is in Brazil this year, but we tried to include him with our  sign to him and pictures and the cut out Sherrie brought......we missed you Alex but know you are bringing us many blessings by letting you serve others.  My youngest grandson Scottie surprised everyone by being Santa Claus with his bag of presents........ we played games, ate a wonderful meal and laughed and enjoyed each other....what else is important.  Things like that cannot be bought in any store for any amount of money!   My three families bought me a new recliner chair....all I ask for.  My darling Nicci made it from Minnesota with Oliver and of course my precious Tiff got here in time to bail me out and make the cheese dip!  Will invited his girl friend and I found out the last minute, but she is fun and we enjoyed LIz.  The night before they all met with their father to celebrate their grandfather and great-grand fathers presentation at the U OF U basket ball game.  Vadal is being entered in the Hall of Fame for Basket Ball.  I was happy they could support their father in this.......after all no one is ALL bad!  Today was just sleep and re cooperate, had a  fun conversation with my little sister.....that part of family helps make life too.....I love she and Jim so much.  I am a lucky and happy person.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


The family keep asking "what do you want for Christmas Mom?".....I could only think of one thing to put on my lingerie, it has to be flannel with no more than 8 buttons!  They just laugh.  They did get me a new recliner that I love.
But honestly, there isn't much in the store that I don't have or go out and buy if I want it at this age. Soooo, I just want their love, their visits, phone calls and to see and hear from them regularly....not be forgotten.
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today to make a new ending....Maria Robinson.
Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on whet happens in the White House, but what happens in your house...Barbara Bush
God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessings can come out of the difficulty...Peter Marshall
What can you do right now to turn your life around?  The very first thing is to start making a list of things to be grateful for.  Joe Vitale.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


What are we teaching our children about Christmas?  To focus on presents or GOD's presence?  It is so sad all the sick people out there that cannot face other's freedom of speech and worship.  The word Mohammad does not bother me one way or the other, why is there a fight to get ride of God and Jesus.  But, I promised myself to concentrate on good and positive , so moving on.....
The great Russian author Leo Tolstory began his novel "Anna.Karenina" with these words:  "Happy families are All a like, every unhappy family is unhappy in it's own way."  Happy families have in common.
 , a way of forgiving and forgetting the imperfections of others and looking for the good.  The unhappy ones on the other hand find fault, hold grudges and cannot let go of the past.  You hear a lot of yes, their sentences.
Karrie and kids came over last night and cleaned the house and got my tables set for the party Saturday......a great Christmas present for me.......and Scottie got to stay all night with me???? They are stingy with him. Did my hair this morning and Bev ask me to take her to the airport this afternoon.....Time is flying.
"Old age ain't for wimps...But it beats dying young.....Hell to get old....."  Jane Fonda

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I am sure this is how santa feels this much heart ache in our world, everyday several funerals and so many sad families in Connecticut.  No good news in the world on the terrible government we have and in many areas bad storms.  In two days are we or aren't we coming to the end.....but the end of what as the Mayan calendar and Notrodamas predicts?  BUT, I will stay positive and up until the end.
I hope all my Christmas presents will make my family happy this year, but I love this thought: "Your the best gift of shop, you wrap and worry but no package can compare to the love and support you share all year-round. I hope whatever I get them will be OK. And, I have already given the best I can give; "myself."   Kids coming to help get the house ready for the family party.  Bev called and needs a ride to the airport tomorrow, thats what it is all about.....people helping people.  Hang in there Santa!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


There is nothing more beautiful than fresh snow, and snowmen can contest to that....happy, smiling loveing the cold weather.  One storm passed through, another one forecast for tonight.  It is almost Christmas so fun to have a white one this year. Got out my lists and started checking them for today, yes I am checking them off one by one.  Today is shopping for food day, gives me a couple of days out for all the things I forget today.
I try to start off my day with a positive thought or declaration .....makes for a better day.
I DECLARE I will not just survive;  I will thrive!  I will prosper despite every difficulty that may come my way.  I know every setback is a setup for a comeback.  I know one touch of God's favor can change everything so I will stay close to him.  I'm ready for a year of blessings and a year of thriving." Sad world out there with the people in Conneticut burying their little children and the government fighting over letting us go over the fiscal cliff!......oh well this too will pass.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Even Santa has a few bumps in his road.......One more week and Santa can get some rest.  I had a very busy morning.  I had a mamogram, went to Costco, filled up with gas and went to the Liquior store.  Now I am pooped!
Funny how we keep saving our good things for 'SOMEDAY"........someday is not a day of the week, you only have now.  The fancy cloths and dishes are to be enjoyed now.
Enjoy the season and this time of year.  I make lists starting in July, and enjoy shopping for each one with love, as I cross them off till Christmas.  I also make food list, house work lists, to do lists, have done lists and day by day I feel the great spirit of accomplishing them.
Christmas Eve will arrive no matter how my lists look and my wonderful family will understand.....Grams just getting older.
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it."  William Ward



Sunday, December 16, 2012


This picture so helped my breaking heart as the past two days have shook up the whole world with the news of a 20 year old man going into a grade school and shooting 20, 6 and 7 years and five teachers. Just babies excited about Santa Claus and loving school.  I can't even begin to image the hurt these families feel burying a child before Christmas.  I have said many times, it is a lot easier losing a mate in death or divorce, (mine), than losing one of my three daughters.  A mate can be replaced, not a child!  I have to know those 20 precious spirits were received in heaven by God with all their grandparents, and relatives gathered around happy to welcome them home, where we all will eventually go.  Of course, there are a million "whys" out there, even why would God let this happen?  I don't have any answers and truly live by the saying.....'Things happen for a reason.....just believe."  All I can say is, "please bless those families."


I sit here this morning knowing how lucky I am.....My heart is so sad for the people of New Jersey.  26 wonderful people are gone and many families and friends are left with sadness for the Holidays.
We, like Longfellow, feel that horseshoes, are in fact good luck charms.  Where did it all begin?  It's an ancient and popular belief that U shape was a powerful and protective sign.  In ancient Yucatan and Peru, temples were built with arched doorways.  In Spain the Moors designed their mosques in an arch formation. You will see down through the Middle Ages, churches and public buildings were built with arched windows and doorways as a means of protection from danger.  Yes, I can contest to this as I have traveled the world and seen this to be a fact all over the world.   It is thought that the first horseshoes were made by the Greeks during the 4th century, horses were considered sacred back then. Old wives' tale has it that when a horseshoe is hung with its prongs up you will surely keep evil out, while hung with its prongs down it will allow he magic to pour out and bless your anyway a horseshoe is hung up it will bring you luck.  At this sad time we could all use a little luck.

Friday, December 14, 2012

CHRISTMAS 2012......

OK, only 10 more days until Christmas Eve......I guess I better get serious and pull it all together.  I have my shopping done,house decorated, presents wrapped, cards sent, packages mailed......but we are having sweater weather and no snow and it is kinda hard to get in the mood.  Had a fun visit with my favorite cousin today when I delivered her present and we had fun reminessing about growing up together.  Yesterday one of my best friends Patty came by for coffee, she is about over the edge with her family, not good.
Have you ever looked back in your life and realized some days you were the hydrant and some days the dog?  No more hydrant days for me.  You wonder if all is not lost.....where is it?  When you are young you start out with nothing and you get old and realize you still have most of it......  Now days it is not hard to meet expenses they are everywhere.......and it would help if the buck stopped here more often, I could use a few more bucks!  Oh yes, when your young you want no regrets.  You must learn the differene between kids in the backseat can cause accidents and accidents in the back seat can cause kids!!!!
Well, my best friend is coming to stay all night with me, he is so much fun.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Some mornings are just like that......I didn't say it, it was the Happiness Fairy, I just seconded it.  You get yourself up, take out the garbage, read the paper and have breakfast and your ready to crawl back in bed......its cold, cloudy and dreary out side and you have a lot to do.  I know I shouldn't feel like that, its all good.
I found this little story of how old I go again with the old stuff.....are worth a fortune.  With silver in their hair, gold in their teeth, stones in their kidneys and lead in their feet!
I have become a lot more social in my later years; some might even call me frivolous.  I'm seeing five gentlement every day.  As soon as I wake, Will Power helps me to get out of bed.  Then I go see john.  Then Charley Horse comes along, and when he is here, he takes a lot of my time and attention.  When he leaves, Arthur Ritis shows up and stays the rest of the day.  After such a busy day, I'm really tired and glad to go to bed.....with Ben Gay!  I bet many of my friends are doing the same.  I know at my age they keep telling me I should think about the hereafter.  I DO....all the time!  No matter where I am ----in the kitchen, upstairs, downs stairs ----I ask myself, "Now what am I here after?"  Well I am determined to make the Happiness Fairy smile today.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I guess history is made is 12the twelveth month and the twelveth day of the 2012. 12-12-12!
Many marriages and babies born today,making a day to always remember and it will not come around again for a very long time.  Also many are counting the  days until the Mayan calendar runs out December 21 at midnight  We are all holding our breath to see how the world will end.....and wouldn't you know I have everything ready for a big family party on the 22nd?  Seems people from China  to California to Mexico are getting ready for what they think is going to be a fateful day.  The Maya didn't say much about what would happen next, after a 5,125 year cycle known as the Long Count comes to an end.  Occult writers , bloggers and New Age visionariers forseeing all manner of monumental change, from doomsday to a new age of enlightenment! Funny but no one in Mexico's Mayan heartland, is preparing for the end of the world...... Oh well, we will know soon enough whether the Mayans, Notradamas and the Chinese are wrong.
Had a fun Christmas party with my dominos group today, good friends are so important.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


                                                       I absolutely love Maxine, I wish she lived next door to me, because I have found someone I can relate to.  I have felt like this, but I never have the nerve to say it to anyone.  She is old and groucy and to the point and you can take it or leave it.  My family seem to think I only write about old people and being old, but hey you write about what you know and understand best.  I have these feelings and thoughts, too.  And Maxine seems to love her dog.  It's laundry day and hair washing day and I am not moving very fast. Karrie came by a few minutes which always makes my day and Sherrie called to say she was baking cookies and getting ready for Kennedy's Eagle Scout award party.  Maxine says sometimes I forget someones name, but its OK because other people forget they even knew me.  And,  oh how I miss the days when everything worked with justt an "ON" and "OFF" switch!  Do you find you are using more four letter words....."what?"...."when?"....."where?"...."why?"..(3 letters). AND everyone whispers now days.  I have three sizes of clothes in my closet, two of which I will never wear again......probably!  But think about all the old things that are still good in life.....old songs, old movies and best of all old friends.  It's not wht you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.....long live Maxine!


Monday, December 10, 2012


Deepak Chopra as been one of my favorite authors and speakers since my NLP days. In Chopra's new book "Super Brain" he says ,"Your brain is not a noun, it's a verb----it responds to the activity in your mind."Yes, everyone wants and needs to be happy for the Holidays, they can stir up many feelings, from sorrow of the past seasons to unrealistic expectations of childhood repeats. Our happiness lies in becoming the master of your brain. Chopra says you are able to rewire your networks by the way you think, feel, reflect, speak and act.....and I do believe people can change their moods. "If you don't use your brain in unpredictable ways, it gets lazy."  "The more novelty there is for the brain, the healthier it is," Skip some of those Holiday traditions you don't enjoy and be 'infinite adaptable'....go with the flow.  Ask yourself who you are, what your purpose is, and what you want and what makes you happy.  "People who are happy find meaning and purpose in their existence."   His advice is shift your brain's conversation, focus on the present, concentrate on others. I shall try to remember "My life may not be perfect but I am blessed." HAPPY's snowing!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


This picture says so much......attitude, bullying, yellow snow? Oh how I have wished I was a dog and the person a snow-man with no legs.......Well it finally snowed last night, down here 3-4 inches but I think the mountains got some good snow, many guys in my family happy about it.  It does help you get in the mood for Christmas!
Caroline Myss wrote an interesting book "Archetypes....who are you?'. In the lives we were born into our true essence comes through in behavior patterns that govern all aspects off our lives, from how we shop to the relationships we pursue. 'Your archetypes govern your relationship to your personal and spiritual power. Connecting with an archetype is a bridge to your true self,  You are far more than your personality, more than your habits, more than your achievements. Dream big, use your archetypes to guide you.'  Very interesting!.....helps you understand why Artists love Art, some people are better Mothers than others, inventers invent things....our archetypes come through and are encouraged.
Now for a note to my favorite Missionary and off to bed.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

13 MORE DAYS?????

13 More days left in the world according to the Mayan Calendar which ends at midnight on December 21st???
"Give  up the need to know what happens tomorrow.  Just be fully present and appreciate all that is in your life right now."...Caroline Myss
I am proud as I look back on my life, that I believed in myself enough to feel sorry for those who hurt me, I think today they may be the losers.
Most people are miserable because they are trying to live a life that does not belong to them.  No one can be truly healthy or fulfilled if your head and heart exist in two separate forces within you.
To many people define their life by what they want versus what they have. Your Spirit is the light inside you and it is the spirit that seeks meaning and purpose in you. I have a good Spirit and attitude and love my life.  I saw a sign that know your middle class if you shop at Target, Walmart or Kmart......they forgot to mention TJ Maxx.  Are there any other stores out there?  Guess I must be middle class.  I do know what is lucky is when you are happy with the life you have and realize that everything you do counts. Guess I better get busy planning what I am going to do for the next 13 days......... that counts?

Friday, December 7, 2012


TGIF really doesn't mean much to someone retired, because everyday could be Friday and  as far as I am concerned!  This is a cute sign and if I ask any number of my relatives they would be jumping for joy for two days off now.  The weekends are lonely sometimes, but I just say 'SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE" and go shopping or to a movie.
I did have a very good day, Sherrie came in from Vernal and we went shopping?  I found myself at R C Wileys shopping for MY Christmas   present....YES!  Then we met Karrie at Zuppa's for lunch, one of our favorite places.  Then, off to Costco to meet Darren and they were off to Vernal.  We don't see much of Sherrie and I miss her a lot, but she does call me almost every day which is great.  It is suppose to snow in the mountains tonight so may still get a little winter in December.  At dinner last night, I think Pam was a little sad when we talked about her dog Charles being gone.  She is one person who is saying TGIF today.......

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Can't believe my first grandson is 22.....yesterday.  We are off to celebrate his birthday tonight.  Yes, he has a girl friend that is around a lot......he and Liz have been on again off again since they were seniors in high school.  Will is a senior at the U of U., he has a job at the Polo Store at the Park City Outlets.  He loves snow boarding and computer games!
Also going to drop by a "Celebration of Life" for Jon Taft who died last week.  He had been very sick with cancer for about a year.  So sad to see so many old friends dying.  Had a luncheon at Layla's yesterday with the bridge club and Toby was there doing pretty good.  Her oldest daughter Linda lived with them so that will be a big help for Toby.
Sherrie just called and will be in tomorrow, been a long time since we saw her.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


So true and all they do is argue in the government while we wait to fall off the fiscal cliff and into another depression.  I cannot depend on the government to make my last days happy, I will have to find good things and do it myself.  I need to take very good care of Betty Ree Yeomans!  I really do a pretty good job of it when I think about it.....Like after Dr. Phil today I decided I wanted a kid's meal at McDonalds with chicken off I went without a bra and in my  Then I decided while I was out I might as well shop a little so I stopped at Ross.  I love to look and just enjoy mingling with the strange people there....I even lucked out, it was Senior Citizen Day and I got 20% of my purchase, see getting old isn't all bad.  When I got  home and took in the mail I got my two first Christmas cards of the season signaling that Christmas is just around the corner. The cards were  from two of my favorite people, Sherrie and Tiff. Started wrapping Christmas presents today, my shopping is done.  Will take a couple of days to finish that up.....oh well its all good.  A little rain today, but still no snow!!!!!  Tomorrow my oldest grandson turns 22, YES!

Monday, December 3, 2012


Where there is a will, there is a way. Wow, I wonder how many times you could get away with clicking your Life Alert button, before they just put you away? I also practice the line if a burglar broke in..."what are you going to do I HOPE, don't just stand there frisk me!" I guess at 80 he might kill himself first......
There are so many things that we have to wade through every day in our life.....with Christmas three weeks away there are so many things to get done.  I started my Christmas list for my kids.....#1. sexy lingerie as long as it is flannel and has no more than 8 buttons. #2. (I'm still working on my list....)  Then someone hands you the word OR.......OR only means you have to make another choice. With choices come consequences!  Do I buy this, or buy that?  Do I eat this or eat that?  Do I wear this or wear that?  How many choices do we make a day of our lives?  And they all have that big word "OR" connected.  I guess the last choice of the day is we say our prayers with I will either wake up in the morning OR I won't.......and we don't always have the choice.....God does.
Jon Taft died day before yesterday, so many old friends leaving us. Now we add another single lady to our bridge club. Heard from my sweet missionary Mondays.  Still no snow, a little rain last night.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Snoopy makes life so simple, take his advice and never have a bad day.  Yesterday I spent the whole day with my youngest grandchild, took in a movie, went out to dinner, played Old Maid and watched TV. Today Shirley and I went to see "Lincoln" reminded me of what is going on in our government today, only it isn't about freeing the slaves, but freeing the people from Obama Care and higher taxes!
We all have a cross to bare in life.....I love the attitude of a niece Andrea Merriman, who has had her share of trouble in life. "It's all in what you choose to do with it.  You can let your trails 'ruin' your lives and become an excuse for every future challenge or failure you'll have; or you can hang in there, get through them, and figure out how to use them for your good, to make you better, you can learn to smile in spite of them".  She has done just that and is my hero.
"ANY DAY CAN BE A NEW BEGINNING....." and we begin our march through December!