Thursday, July 31, 2014


When they are young and demanding and
fighting with each other a mother wonders if she will live long enough to get them raised and out of the house........then  that day arrives when she wants desperately to cling to them and not let them go.  Sherrie and Darren have three darling boys.....Alex, Brayden and Kennedy........When Alex left for Brazil on his LDS Mission two and a half years ago Sherrie was in Mexico with Ken and do a project for Ken's Eagle Scout Badge and Darren was left .....with the help of the send Alex off to Brazil was hard but easier than if she had been here.  Circumstances made it so no one could change the schedules!  Alex spent two years and is back safely with us......then it is Brayden's turn to head off on his two year Mission to Spokane, WA........He and Sherrie had been to Ghana together to get his Eagle project done and were very close.......and so they are back to two boys again.  I guess that is the life of a mother......sending boys off to war or on missions or to college to grow up.......and OH YES, one little note.......Brayden went off without his shaving kit., which Sherrie discovered when they got home from the MTC  and was just taking one more look into his empty room! ....Yes, they do grow up........

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