Monday, July 14, 2014


  No matter how hard a mother tries......she can not be perfect in the eyes of all her children.........Some one is always mad or put out at your "doings"......even if you are trying.  You find when you have more than one child then they start taking sides with each other and you are not sure who to trust or believe........I realize some kids won't love you no matter what you do, they carry childhood grudges and some of your kids will love you no matter how stupid they think you go where the love is, that is....... be yourself and let each child choose how they want to feel about you.   It happens to most of my friends and we have long discussions on how to live in peace and harmony in the family. This will happen to each of your children......if they have their life times.....what goes round, comes round!  I am grateful for my 3 children.......
When you're grateful for the things you have, no matter how small they may be, you will receive more of those things.  If you are grateful for the money you have, however little, you will receive more money.  If you are grateful for a relationship even if it is not perfect, the relationship will get better.  Because gratitude is the great multiplier of life!
     "If the only prayer you say in your entire life is-----'thank you'-----that is enough"   Eckhart

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