Friday, July 25, 2014


 I just read looking backward makes your future brighter.......They keep saying don't live in the past it can only make you sad.......BUT this article  says the happiest people think about the past all the time.....and it leads them to view their future as brighter, reveals new research.......By remembering the successes you've achieved and the challenges you've over come, waxing nostalgic enhances your belief that you're worthy of having good things happen to you,,,,,,
Looking ahead lengthens your life too!  People who expect to have positive experiences in the future are not only happier, they live 7.5 years longer.  Focusing on the positives that lie ahead......especially as you get older, such as having fewer responsibilities and more time for hobbies.......  You know how the laundry schedule goes now    Wash ......later.   Fold....eventually.    Iron...HaHaHa  !
There's No have time to take a breath and to take a break.   To relax, recharge and feel like a brand-new you.  To think things through and figure out your next move.  To dream, plan and do......When you are ready, the future you picture will come true.   It's waiting for you!

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