Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Why am I on face book?  Because thanks to my little sister Leslie and others I am seeing many relatives that I never really got to know.  For instance the top picture is of Dorothy Goff......she had two older brothers that were younger than I was but that I kinda remember.....Jim and Bob Goff, children of my mother's older brother Walter Goff and Aunt Josephine......I have lately become acquainted with one of the Goff boys daughters.....ROSE.......Jimmy's daughter......  I only remember Dolores as a baby in a high chair......Then on Dad's side I knew the Vermillion boys, who were older than I was and the Keller's who were his little sister's Betty's boys. who grew up every summer with us...... Tom and Jon.........Then I knew Aunt Jane who grew up next door to me, but only her son Bob who came to live with us......This is Aunt Jane with five kids........ three boys and two girls  Darling Bob was killed in a car wreck and I don't know where Jan is...... and I was gone from home when they were came to Mancos.
I knew I had a lot of cousins but knew very few of them.....Daddy was from a family of 8, mother a family of 7..Eidth had four boys, Richard, Robert, David and Teddy.  Helen had two boys and and a girl.....Guy, little Paul and Honey.  My DAD....Richard had Betty Ree, Joan, Dixie Lee and Leslie Ruth and Jimmy Dick....Art had three boys and a step daughter, Wallace had a son Eddie and a step daughter, Fred had the 7 kids, Aunt Betty had Tom and Jon and Aunt Francis had three girls .....I never met.....A lot of Yeoman's out there!...,and the boys so handsome......This is Aunt Jane with  Richard.......Donnie and Ronnie, Freda and Bonnie.......
Aunt Jane died this morning.....the last of the Aunts and Uncles on Dad's side.

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