Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Stepping back through the years of memories of this cute family of Kevin Ramsey's........Leslie's middle son, I see nothing but good children, working to achieve and be good citizens of the world with Tamie and Kevin and my sister Grandma Leslie very much in the picture of every step in their lives.  Kirk, Tessa and Tamie......sure it hasn't been all sunshine and flowers with these three, but Kevin and Tami never gave up and they always came back......Kirk was the best of best of athletes in high school......then went off on a mission to Idaho.  Soon started his own business, got married.  Tessa the oldest went back east to school and kinda got off the track, but found her way back, finished college, got married and is PG.......Adding a granddaughter for Kevin to spoil. .....and cute Tamrie a good dancer and doing the college thing.  I have no doubt she will make Kevin and Tamie and Grandma R. proud as she finishes growing up.  Tessa and her husband Zack are off to Granada to medical school.......

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