Saturday, July 12, 2014


This is more relatives.......Nephew Mike Ramsey and his four step children.......Sarah, Mat, Andy and Jake......taken on the 4th of July, 2014.......after their big race.   I am off to Provo tomorrow to Andy's LDS Mission Homecoming from Madrid, Spain.    Through the years I am beginning to realize that I have neglected my blood relatives terribly because my immediate family........ (  inherited from their father)......... he did not care for my relatives....... .He always thought he and his family were better than mine and made no bones about it and my children do not like to be involved in any of their I have stepped back to often to their ways......NO LONGER.....I love my family, everyone of them and will try more and more to connect with my cousins, aunts and uncles etc. while I am still alive.....This happens too often in a marriage and it isn't fair to the left out partner.
Been a busy day.....up early and off to my favorite sport.....garage sales.......only bought a wooden collapsible clothes dryer for Pam for one dollar........home for lunch and talked to Shirley.   Shirley wanted to go to see "Begin Again" ......a very bad movie, but Shirley loved it.....then a stop at Sweet Tomatoes for dinner.......Sherrie just called, on her way to Vernal with Annie??????
OH YES........A TRUCK CAME AND MOVED HEATHER (druggy neighbor across the street).......OUT.  BEEN TRYING TO GET RID OF HER FOREVER!!!!!!


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