Thursday, July 10, 2014

OH HAPPY DAY.........

This is my Kennie........who just got his driver's license!!!!The whole family was so happy for him......he already has a fun truck he bought with his savings and a good deal from grandpa he will be driving himself to school every day this fall.  My Ken is doing so good and we are so proud of him and he is lots of fun.......he is over six foot tall and just keeps growing.  He likes to dance with his Grammie.........
TOMORROW a (noun)
A mysterious land where 99% of all human productivity , motivation and achievement is stored!
Spent two and a half hours in McDonalds with Patty this we unloaded on each other all of our stresses of the past couple of weeks.  After one of these sessions I realize there is so much that is right with my life......compared to hers.......Sure there may be some things I'd add, tweak, trade or change, but despite that, I have many blessings to count, and love.  
Bev and I are counting the days until Heather......our druggy neighbor moves out......and we get a new neighbor in there.

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