Saturday, July 5, 2014

Happy Fourth of July........ a day late!

Happy Fourth of July a day late......Time is just passing too fast......I had a really great Fourth of July yesterday with the Cooks.....and we were missing our Missionary in the middle of the picture.....Elder Cook who is in Mexico much that after brunch we found a Mexican Flea market to wonder around in.........We all bought a hat (sombrero).....and had our picture taken so Rich would know we love him and miss him.  Then off to a few rousing games of pickle ball at Grandma's and then in her pool to cool off.  The Cooks were off to the Stadium of Fire in Provo and I went out to eat with Shirley and her neighbor and then watched fire works awhile.  I was done in by then......Panniers in Idaho, Christensons at Lake Powell.
The 3rd of July was our Dominos Club Luncheon at Bonnie's and for some reason that seems to take up most the no time to Journal.  Today  (the 5th) .....I slept in and am not moving to fast.   Off to Cooks at five so Annie and I can go to dinner and I will spend tonight and tomorrow night over there with Ann and the dogs......Karrie will be home from Lake Powell Monday.  Everywhere you turn this weekend families are coming together to celebrate the Independence of our great country......and the love of each other.  GOD BLESS AMERICA

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