Monday, July 21, 2014


My sister came to town today and we had a good visit for a couple of hours......but could have talked for many more.  She came up from Mesquite for her son's being put into the bishopric and preforming in THE SOUND OF MUSIC at Sundance.  Her news was Kristi had spent some time in rehab for pain killer pills and had covered it very well......Then her grandson is at the point of the mountains for drugs.....oh just full of surprises.  My cousin just called with a secret I have to keep......and thank goodness the news of me being a great-grandmother is no longer a secret!!!!  These family secrets are hard to keep.  Sherrie and Kennedy dropped by for a few minutes and were waiting for Darren and Brayden to fly in and they were going to LA.
Life isn't happening to you; life is responding to you. Life is your call......Every area of your life is your call.......Your are the creator of your life.........You write your own life story  and make your life movie......You decided what your life will be - by what you give out.  We spend much of our time in denial......not accepting most things in our lives. .....feeling can be the single motivating power of your entire life.  Good feelings bring more of what you you good feelings .....which make more good feelings........etc.   The same goes on with bad feelings.

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