Saturday, July 26, 2014

WORLD IN A DAY........

  Success is easier than you think......The secret?  Seeing life's challenges as chances to shine.    Seeing obstacles as opportunities.  Seeing disappointments as temporary detours, not roadblocks, and setbacks as just steps on the way to your destination; your dreams!  For  instance when you look for a house----you don't just look for  place to live.....but a place where your life happens and your children's life! whole day and one night last for a total of 24 hours.  What happens to you during that time?  You get out of bed each morning an d go to work, eat your meals, come home and watch TV, and then finally go to bed and sleep.....all in a 24 hour period.   What is happening in the world around you at the same time? Some amazing things can take place on the planet Earth in 24 hours.......This recorded in 1902......1,000 very minor earthquakes occur.....45,000  thunderstorms occur, and lightning strikes the earth surface about 518,400,000 times.......360,187 babies are born and 148,348 people die......the world population increases by 214,839 etc., etc., etc.....but we choose in our lives to handle all this......using courage, humor and grace we are survivors. 
Dreading tomorrow......even though I am happy for Brayden......I have to face great-white-father and his bride.....groon!

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