Monday, July 28, 2014


YES.....Brayden you are so many good things all wrapped up in one.....Loving and lovable, capable and creative, strong and kind, A practical problem-solver and a dreamer.  Someone who know how to get the job done and have fun-----that's you; someone who is one-of-a-kind and without - a- doubt amazing!  The face book full of nice things said about you these few days before your LDS Mission......and so many cute girls already missing you.  I enjoyed your farewell yesterday and tried hard not to cry.......The Cooks and I got up at 5:00 and left SLC at 6:00....we got back home at 5:30......I went up stairs and put on my PJ'S and slept from then straight through to 7:30 the next morning......just had too much wore me out.  I will miss you so much the next two years but know this is what you have to do........Thanks for loving me and being so good to me always.
Pam and I went to the pool for a little exercise.......heard from Richie and Tiff called with her good news.....IT IS GOING TO BE A BOY!

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