Monday, July 14, 2014

CHAPTER 35.....around world cont.

  Moving on now to more MEXICO......OAXACA.....Ann and I flew to Mexico City for a few days then got adventurous and caught a very small plane and flew to a very small airport was Oaxaca!!!!  We fell in love with this quaint little city and it's fun people.  To begin with we stayed in a very old air conditioning, or closets frills.  It was hot at night and you just opened the wooden shutters with no screens.....thank goodness it was a couple of floors up. We happened to be there on Cinco de Mayo and they had a very big parade around the Zocolo........anyone who could walk or find something to ride in was in it.  We loved it and I am sure they would have let us join in.
Oaxaca has a wonderful craft reputation...I fell in love with these strange looking, bright colored animals of all sorts and brought home several.  They are the greatest and the food a challenge.  They have 7 varities of Mole, my first encounter with it and of course Chocolate is big in this area.  The Caathedal and the Ruins of Monte Alban are big tourist attractions. I would love to go back these many years later. We visited a small village near by and bought black pottery made and signed by Marie.

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