Tuesday, July 8, 2014


This is one of the greatest guys I have ever known .......and he is mine.  He is all dressed up in a new suit his grammie bought for his birthday and Christmas......a cute guy like this can't look shabby on his mission.......I just read one of the most sincere and inspiring letters he wrote home....He and I will always have a great love for Mexico. I miss him coming over and helping me with my yard.....my pond in the back yard is not working this summer and I know if he was here he would make it work for me. I am counting the days till he comes home to us....in about 6 months.....Love you Elder Richard Cook!
      Life is like gourmet cooking....The ingredients we are given are often the same as those that others receive.  It is how those ingredients are put together.....the detail, the time and the presentation......that make a difference.  Maybe some make pudding, while others may take more time and effort, present it in a fancy dish or plate, and call it something alluring, but create the same pudding with love and care. So take your life's ingredients and make fancy suflays not puddings!

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