Tuesday, July 29, 2014


These two are my second pair of twins.......born 1 day apart by their twin mothers.  Andrea 15th of August and Brayden the 16th of August (on my mother's birthday)........And they will be 19.........They were inseparable growing up.....then Brayden's family moved to Vernal.......But the past 10 days a trip to Lake Powell and Brayden's  Farewell for his mission they have bonded again......This picture appeared on Instagram with her message to him........."Good luck Brayden Spokane Washington is lucky to get you.  Go kill it out there and have two good years."
Brayden;  "Thanks Ann! It's been great having you as my twin!....See you in two!
I am so proud of both of them and when we put Brayden into the MTC tomorrow I am sure there will be many tears. I keep saying...."How can anything so good......be so bad?"  It will be a long two years for us.
                     "Every moment.......no matter how dire it may seem has something to off us......every single moment."

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