Friday, July 11, 2014


This handful of strangers are my first cousins........We were never much for family reunions in the Yeomans family and I never got to know this bunch of neat people.  The old woman was my neighbor growing up and I knew Verna Jane very well.......and she later came to be my Aunt Jane!  When my father's brother.....Uncle Fred got out of the service and came to Mancos to visit us, he met and fell in love with our neighbor girl,....... Verna Jane Weaver.  They got married and had 7 children and lived In California. Richard by aunt Jane ,Ronnie and Donnie, Freda and Bonnie......they have a sister Jan not in the picture and a brother Bob who lived with us and was Jim's age and went to school in Mancos but was killed in Camas in a car wreck.....many years ago. I feel cheated I have not gotten to know these great Yeomans kids, but happy to see their pictures and know of some of the long lost relatives......sad when families do not stay connected!
This is another cousin who just popped up this week on my face book account.  I knew her brothers Jim and Bob, but she and her sister came along about the time I left home.  This is Dorothy mother's big brother, Walter Goff's, youngest daughter.  Her two big brothers Jimmy and Bobby were both killed in mine accidents and her big sister, Dolores was killed in a car wreck........I knew about all these cousins and have heard bits and pieces about them through the years but I have not met and do not know them.........So I am adding them to my genealogy list.
             Rich surprised me and popped by with my lunch from Wendys and we had a nice visit.......He has really been working hard.....I think Karrie is mad about something.......but I guess she can just get glad in the same pants she got mad in......cause I haven't a clue why........If I knew how to disappear I would then my kids would be rid of me.....I really feel I am a burden to them......and I never want to be!

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