Thursday, July 10, 2014


Leslie and I and her friend Mary Ann took a wonderful trip to Copper Canyon Mexico.......We drove to Tucson, Arizona and got on the tour bus.  It was a fun group and we saw and did so many fun and  interesting things in the 10 days we were gone...We saw ruins, old churches and enjoyed the people at the many stops we made.  One village we were split into small groups and had a meal in the plain and sparse homes of the village people.  Learned about new vegetables and the way they cook them......most could not speak English but we got by. Then we boarded this very old train and had a beautiful ride to Copper Canyon and stayed at the fun lodge on the edge of the cliff you see here......All along the way were the interesting Indian people who are native to this area and make the most interesting baskets that they sell very cheap.....THE TAHUMARA INDIANS........They live down in the canyon and come up to do business everyday.  The children go to school all week on top of the canyon, then go home for the they can wash their one set of good clothes for the next week of school. Two guys (twins) had brought down several boxes of donated clothing for the children's nice. We stayed in several fun villages and the rooms were always clean and the food good.   On the way back to Tucson we stopped at a Mormon settlement and saw their American school and the TEMPLE.......they have made a beautiful spot in the desert and fed us some wonderful apple pie from their apple orchards scattered around.  I would do that trip again and would recommend it to anyone who loves Mexico like I do.

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