Sunday, July 20, 2014


When I think Island Park, Idaho......I think Robbie fishing!  Had bridge at Betty Barlow's Thursday morning then off to Island Park with Pam and Rob for the weekend.  It is so pretty up there this time of year and so much cooler this weekend than it was in Salt Lake.......Rob fished Friday so Pam up dated my Ipad and added some more fun games, then we jumped into the Razor and headed to Boondocks for lunch........After Rob got home we jumped into the Razor and took a very long, bumpy ride down the back roads to Lance's new house and picked up a cute carved bear his father was giving  Rob for taking him fishing.....Lance's family grew up in Croyden right next door  to the Wood Peterson ranch..........After dinner we all crashed.........Saturday was busy, busy......slept in then went up to the new Mexican Restaurant for lunch........then spent the rest of the day sight seeing. Headed for the HARRIMAN STATE PARK.......the RAILROAD RANCH.........Nice lady gave us a tour of some of the buildings AND as we were wandering down the trail from the parking lot here came two photographers and  a group of people.  Looked like a church group pulling a wagon of food......we moved over and let them go by and then realized it was the Pligs from the TV show .......this guy and his four wives and quite a few kids......we asked one of the ladies if this was the guy on the TV with five wives......she promptly corrected him and said......FOUR WIVES.  They headed for two picnic tables and set out lunch and they continued shooting as we wandered off...........We took the back road home and made a big loop around the lake seeing some pretty country and a herd of antelope.  On the final leg home Pam spotted a mother moose with  tiny twins back in the trees. This was the frosting on the day......Got up, ate, cleaned up and got home about 4:00.
     Leslie called and is coming up to swim in the morning.....she came up because Mike got put in as first counselor in the Bishopric. They went to see Cade who is in the prison at the point of the Mountain this summer?????
Bought two lotto tickets.......didn't win..........

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