Sunday, July 6, 2014


It is pictures like this that bring out wonderful memories in your life and that you relive many times over and over......To you it is just picture....maybe you know it is Betty, Richard, Karrie and Scottie......or maybe you don't know us.  This was the 4th of July 2014.....After a fun brunch we were just bumming around hunting something fun to do and found this Mexican Flea Market......stooped to check it out.  It's a little piece of Mexico on Redwood Rd that the local Spanish people can find the things from their homeland fairly cheap.  We all bought a new sombrero for five dollars each and had a ball trying on gave us a chance to think of Richard....big brother to Scott who is on a LDS Mission in Mexico! Missing was Annie....who had to work.
     One of my favorite sayings is:....."What goes round, comes round.".....Life doesn't just happen to you; you receive everything in your life based on what you've given."   My mother taught us that and we learned it by her example in life. The law of attraction is unfailingly giving you every single thing in your life based on what you're giving out.  You magnetize and receive the circumstances of wealth, health, relationships, your job and every single even and experience in your life, based on the thoughts and feeling you're giving out.  Give out positive thoughts and feelings about money, and you magnetize positive circumstances, people, and events that bring more money to you.  Give out negative thoughts and feelings about money and you magnetize negative circumstances, people, and events that cause you have a lack money. 
If you think and feel, "Life is really good to me," will attract back to you all people, circumstances, and events, that will make life really good for you. Spending the weekend with Annie and the Dogs while the Cooks are in Lake Powell.

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