Tuesday, July 22, 2014


 Thinking back there have been too many moments I did not seize in my life in the past!!!!  It is not what you get dealt in life, but your attitude toward life's challenges that determines how much you value yourself.......People who like themselves will not be denied their happiness.  They make time to live in the PRESENT!  Look at someone you think is a failure......you may think they have failed at everything in life...everything,  .... except living everyday to it's fullest?
People who take day hikes, spend an hour reading a book, go barefoot longer into the autumn, know the power of valuing themselves. If you are finding reasons why you can't live for today, you simply don't value yourself ....... You are so busy burying yourself with rationalizations and justifications that you don't even realize you died. As I add the years I am taking my moments left very seriously and hope I can enjoy each one to the fullest.  Here are Sherrie and Karrie at my last vacation in the Bahamas......enjoying a quiet moment after dinner together.....It was a wonderful week.

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