Wednesday, July 23, 2014

WHAT EVER.......

I thought this was cute for two reasons.....One:  I like to crochet and Two: as I add a few years and can't always think of all the words I want I can just say it......Pick up those books "and other shit"........ Today I had to Dust, mop and all that s....!  You see what I just fits many situations.
Went to bridge......and won.  Toby had tacos and a very good lunch......and it was fun seeing everyone.  Tiffany called and wants to shop and do lunch tomorrow.....a fun surprise.  It is the 24th....Salt Lakes Big Celebration.....she didn't have to work, but Scott did. I guess we find out what kind of baby we are getting Monday........... then I can start crocheting little things for my first great-grandchild!!!!

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