Wednesday, July 16, 2014


    Here you see Leslie with six of her eleven grandchildren......growing up so fast.  Kevin's Tessa and Tamrie  (Kirk missing)......Kristis's Kylie, Kelly and Anna, (Cooper missing) and Mike's Carli....(Chase, Chelsey and Cade) missing. Cousins are so important in our lives and I had many and was so lucky.....I have seen how my nine grandchildren all love and enjoy being with each other.......all making me so proud. I know Leslie is so proud of the good things her grandkids have done and so sad because she has not been so lucky with some of her grandkids.  She has two and a half great-grandchildren that she loves so much......and four step grandchildren that are really great kids.   Do I love my extended bet I do and need everyone of them in my life......Kids need good role models in their lives.

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