Thursday, July 24, 2014

HAPPY 24th of JULY........

 Yes.......every family has it's ups and downs......good and bad.....happy and sad.....but bottom line everyone thinks their family is the best family in the world and that is the way it should be. Had a wonderful day with my oldest granddaughter who is pregnant with my first great-grandchild.......she had a day off, but her husband had to work so we to lunch, then hit a couple of my favorite stores shopping for some new clothes that fit her now her figure is changing.  Hot and tired we headed for my pool for a cooling off.......families are great.
Today was also a big celebration in Salt Lake.....our annual 24th of July Pioneer Days.....big parade and fire works.  Gone are the good ole days when we had little ones and sat in the hot sun two hours to watch the parade and fight the traffic jam that night fighting for a parking place to watch the fire works......Oh yes, memories!

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