Saturday, August 2, 2014


Why would anyone want to live to be old?????  Old .......when you don't have a mate.......can be lonely and boring.  So many weekends I force myself to "just keep busy".......I was up early and off to garage sales.....then to a stupid movie about monkeys because I didn't want to go home.......and now I am  drowning my frustrations in chips and salsa.....just because!  I keep thinking about Rose Mary Cloony's song....."IS THAT ALL THERE IS?".....Am I to the point in my life when...... that  is all there is?  I look at my many single friends and I think they think this......but don't realize they are thinking it......Maybe we are put here on earth to have babies....raise them and then send them off on missions, college or get married and they never return to us the same way.....I guess I just forget this also happened to my parents......and is happening to my girls. at the garage sales I bought "Spiritual roots of human Relations" and 'The 7 habits of highly effective people" by Stephen R. Covey......Do you think I need his advice?????

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