Saturday, August 9, 2014

SAD DAY.......

My really good friend called last night and told me her mother had just died.......she was only 99 1/2????  ELVA was a darling person and deaf as a door nail in her latter years.....Patty was the best daughter ever.......seldom missed a day to visit her and  Elva ate bags of "tooties rolls".....She lived alone ......which was remarkable.....loved the jazz and read a book a day.   Three weeks ago she fell and broke her hip and she went down from there.  If this was all of Patty's problems it would be understandable she was  relieved......but Elva was just one of them.....which I won't go into.  After I talked to her she had to call Sandra ....her sister and Dale....her brother and tell them.....It has not hit her.......her mother is gone!
Well rambling.......When you look at our government you begin to feel we have gotten to the point where everybody has a right but nobody has a responsibility.......especially Obama!
Love the late calls "Hey, are you asleep?"   "No I'm skydiving" 
Did some garage sales today....watered Pam's plants, feed the fish in the pond and added water.....tonight I ran over to Karrie's and feed her two dogs and let them run an hour...... Just one more day of this routine and then I am .gonna need a vacation Monday!  Life is good!

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