Tuesday, August 12, 2014


 OH......those happy days of summer......everyday a fun picture pops up of my family off having fun somewhere......Annie was a life guard at Willow Creek Country Club all summer and I guess all work and no play ......makes this a fun job.

Off to Baer Lake and a little bicycle ride......I am sure this wasn't Karrie's idea but she is a good mother and a good sport.......
Awh.......a dinner cruise  in Minnesota.....Pam with Bill.....and looks like a beautiful night.
One last fling before leaving on a mission......the Christenson family at Universal Studio......Kennedy loved it.

Annie with her little swim class......so cute. School starts next week and the days are getting shorter and cooler.......Some days you just have to stop and think.....I am so much luckier than I realize........I have dreams to dream, talents to tap, surprises to delight in......special people to meet and paths to follow that will take me to amazing places and bring me more blessings than I can count.....and much of this has to do with the wonderful family I have.

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