Sunday, August 31, 2014


WHEN YOU WERE BORN, YOU CRIED AND THE WORLD REJOICED....LIVE YOUR LIFE IN SUCH A MANNER THAT WHEN YOU DIE THE WORLD CRIES AND YOU REJOICE.......We worry so much about things that never happen.....thank goodness......what do you worry about and how do you handle what seems to loom in front of you?  We can always reframe those problems, chop them in small pieces and handle the small pieces a bit easier.  A painting in an ancient temple depicts a king forging a chain from his crown and nearby, another scene shows a slave converting his chain into a crown.  Underneath the painting is the inscription......"Life is what one makes it, no matter of what it is made."
You may have been given certain "ingredients", just as a baker may find the staples of flour, sugar, and oil in his kitchen, but what you create from the talents and genetic propensities given you is......up to you!  Live your life this way....Not---How did you die?  But how did you live? Not what did you gain....but what did you give?  Not what did the sketch in the news paper say-----but how many were sorry when you passed away!  I just have faith that everything will work out for the best the years I have left.  Had a quiet Sunday......a little trip to Costco and got some Christmas shopping done, now for a quiet evening......ALONE!

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