Thursday, August 21, 2014


So interesting to watch my grandchildren find their way into adulthood.  This is Annie with her latest who just left Wednesday on a mission.......I would like to be around two years from now to see if they even remember each other.......there will be a lot of learning lessons in the next two years as she goes off to college this weekend.
Now we jump down to my darling Alex.....a few months home from his mission and already learning how fickle girls can be......This is cute Lindsey......his latest flame who is off to college this weekend (close by thank goodness).....will they develop  into something serious or is this just going to be one of many for each?  Oh to be young and in love.....I am not so old that I remember those days.
    It took my two older granddaughters a few years to find their one and onlys and both are married.  My oldest grandson is still hanging in with the same girl for 6 years....and we are waiting to see where that leads.....Each one so different!
       They all deserve the best and hopefully will not settle for less.......Why not give ourselves only good things?  When we believe we cannot have what we desire-----when we lack faith in ourselves and in the goodness of life----we settle for less.  Sometimes we decide that whatever is in front of us is better than nothing ......remember better than nothing isn't good enough. 
Yesterday was busy with bridge and then another Birthday dinner for Richard with Sherrie and Darren and finally home at 7:00 pretty tired.  Today is starting out as a pretty lazy day.....but oh well.

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