Saturday, August 30, 2014


Everyone knows grandmothers pass along the most valuable family possessions..........receipts for turkey stuffing, chocolate chip cookies and jam.  But now it seems reasonable they may be passing along a lot more than originally thought......It seems the genes of the long-lived grandmothers get passed down to succeeding generations.  After all grandma's also get blamed for your cancers, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis and big hips........
When you write a embroidery it with bright colors for interest and excitement......Just look at a picture and a whole story of your own develops......even though someone else's may develop a  whole different story about the picture.....I picture an old folks home......We all pray we won't eventually end up  in "Formaldehyde  Alley".......You know where a dozen wheel chairs filled with various forms dotted the room like drooping house plants......waiting for a little attention.   The smell in Formaldehyde Alley absolutely has no words to describe it.....even the farm I was raised on smelled better.   There always seems so few helpers to take care of so many poor souls.....and they don't seem to ask for much......just some one to care.  When I left the one my Uncle Lester was in I was so depressed.......I guess home is where everyone's story begins.....but some are not as lucky as I am to have a home to write a story about!
I just hope I can leave good things for my grandchildren as I love them all so much......but I also hope I have left them with the strength to handle whatever fate hands them.

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