Friday, August 22, 2014


Today I got a letter from my newest missionary......Brayden........I can see he is serious about his missionary work.....He told me how he was feeling the spirit and how much he was loving it AND then he went on to say on P-DAY they went to the Provo temple and he saw a lady that reminded him of me and how he started crying about the thought that I would not be with him in the Celestral Kingdom........He loved me very much and I had always been there for him and had always made him happy....."sooooo grandma for me, would you please ask Heavenly Father, with a sincere heart, if this is something you should do, for me?"  Wow, I have had many requests from my 9 grandchildren in the past years, but never anything that shook me up like this.......because I love him so much I will check in on this request.  He is off to a good start to becoming a great missionary!!!!
Tonight I have the two Christenson boys and their two dogs and Pam's dog......The parents are all in Park City for different reasons.  The twins are with a group celebrating Riche's 50 birthday and the Panniers are getting up early to take a hot-air balloon ride for Pam's birthday.

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