Thursday, August 14, 2014


  Every life has its don't always tell everyone....or anyone.....I can remember driving up the canyon and thinking how easy it would be to not turn my wheel and just keep going over the edge......then I remembered I had a precious little girl at home and decided not to let any man ruin my life. Yes, that was many years ago but I remember the feeling......sooooooooooo  look around and see if you can help someone that may be at that point but can't seem to talk about it.  But my life also has many wonderful memories starting when I was young and would visit my grandparents.  I remember sitting in the sun in the backyard and making hollyhock dolls and pretending all kinds of wonderful things......I was safe in that back yard........... I can see it today the board walk to the outhouse, the garden that was half flowers that grandma let me pick peas off the vines and pull up a carrot to eat. Out past the outhouse was some was the chicken coops and we would check for eggs and she knew all her chickens by name.......there was a screened-in back porch where grandma made sauerkraut, pickles and homemade root-beer.  Twice a day grandpa walked down to Riffey's pasture to milk Pansey......I would sit on the style and watch or now and then try my hand at it.......later there would be milk and cookies......I wish everyone could have warm memories of their life does have many good stories from childhood till now.  I think the real secret to creating an amazing future isn't planning, luck or connections.  It is asking yourself a simple question-----what will make me happy-----and listening to the heart knows what I want and need.

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