Thursday, August 7, 2014

What's your next move?

I feel so sorry for people without grandchildren....Today my two youngest....Ken and Scottie and I went to McDonald's for lunch and to see "Guardians of the Universe"........They dutiful each get one arm and shuttle me across the road.....wonder if they ever think how I make it when they are not with me?   I love the attention........ they both tower over me.  Soon this will end and they will be off on a mission or to college or somewhere where they have no time for Gram.
From the moment we're born, we're programmed to believe that life should progress in a linear fashion:  We start out weak, ignorant, and unsure then steadily become stronger, smarter, and more confident.  We accomplish this feat by deftly navigating the obstacles we encounter, knowing exactly when and how to adjust our trajectory or make a courageous leap.
Scary how our culture doesn't  teach us the things we need to know to progress on with out life out of high-school.....We are turned lose to embark upon this wild ride called life with neither an instruction book nor any sense of when.....or change and be grown up.  Some people slid right into the role.....some people take a long time to learn the lessons needed to grow up.
This is my oldest grand-son, William and his significant other Liz,.......he told me he did not want to grow up!  He is 23 .......and still trying to figure out what he wants out of life.  I love him to death and will always be here for him.

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