Tuesday, August 5, 2014


"Take the day off from stress!  Life may never be completely stress-free, but it doesn't have to be so stress-full.  So today try trading doubts for dreams and worries for wonderings-----and do one less thing than you planned.....It can wait.....your well being can't."
My mother loved to write and I also do.......As I look back I see it was a healing power for her as she wrote about her cancer ordeal......and she wrote a few lines every day when her only son (and baby) was in the Korean War.....when she was sad or lonesome.....her book of poems are a testament to her different moods and I am sure were a comfort to her.  I also find my writing to do many things for me......
Free writing can lower your blood pressure......if you write about anything that comes into your head ......something that made you laugh today, a visit with a friend or neighbor or a taste of something  good.....Just begin to write paying no attention to grammar or spelling.....you will create a stream of consciousness---called flow---that's proven to reduce tension.  It changes your breathing it slows down and naturally lowers your blood pressure.  How do you start?  "Once upon a time........
So your frustrated?   Writing in which you reflect on your experiences makes you sharper  and healthier.  If you use expressive phrases, such as "Now I realize' or "This happened because " tend to solve problems more easily and even show stronger immune system function.  When you use the word 'because' it makes you think about what caused something to happen or how it affected you. It forces strong emotions to be looked at by the left "logical" side of the brain.  This can have the same de-stressing benefits as talking it out with friends!
If you are hurting from aches and pains write about nature......simply writing about serene nature scenes, from rhythmic ocean waves to picturesque fall foliage, is proven to help relieve chronic pain.......that's because channeling soothing natural imagery lowers the stress hormones that ignite inflammation.
Depressed or blue?  Write as fast as you can a list of happy words.......fulfilled, surprised, optimistic........ things you have recently experienced......A list of happy words boosts your happiness more than writing complete sentences in a journal......The rapid-fire succession of positive thoughts triggers the release of  "feel good" hormones in the brain experts explain......LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!   
Also a journal is a wonderful foot-print of your life for you family to enjoy many years after you are gone.....I have done a lot of journaling........I journaled my many trips around the world to read back and reflect on.....now my big love is my blog which now has pictures of the family, cartoons and cute sayings but also a paper trail of my life as I ease into "old age"...... I would love to be a speaker or teacher teaching "NEW DIRECTIONS IN JOURNALING"......on my bucket list. 
Rained and cooled down today......went shopping to Costco and started my Christmas shopping????                  

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