Friday, August 8, 2014


AMEN!!!!!!  I need at least 1/2 hour to get up each morning.......wake up......stretch.......check the clock......maybe 15 more minutes......stretch some more and say your morning prayers......the warm weather is easier than the cold, rainy weather on my get moving every morning.  Avoid the floor if possible.   Most morning I don't have a schedule to meet, but this week I have Bree and I know she can't cross her legs too long.  Also watering Pam's flower pots and feeding their gold fish in the pond.  Tomorrow I get to add two more dogs to the over and feed and let Karrie's dogs out to piddle.....Thank goodness we all live close. The Panniers are in Minnesota with Nicci and the Cooks are going to their condo in Baer Lake.
Once your you have a plan?  I usually do and have been organized all my life  They say winners choose a path, then are not easily detoured.  And how long do they keep going?  They persevere UNTIL:  For them, there is no stopping UNTIL they have achieved their goal. As Thomas Edison said......"I have not failed.....I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work."   To many of us say SOMEDAY......but hello......SOMEDAY is not a day of the week. You say to yourself, "Someday I am going to lose weight".....well you might as well cross that off your "to do"list.  UNTIL you set something as a focused will just turn into a SOMEDAY!

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