Tuesday, August 26, 2014


 IT IS WHAT IT IS......And denial ain't just a river in Egypt.........The most intimate connection in your life is the one you have with yourself.  Dishonesty in this relationship is at best counterproductive, at worst catastrophic.  If you want your life to work, tell yourself the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  We all engage in denial whether occasionally or habitually, often without realizing we are lying to ourselves at all.......and then there are times you know you are in denial......like when everyone in town knows your husband is messing around and your gut tells you he is, but you don't want to believe it......denial?  I am sure we all have been in denial about something in life at one time or another.  I am not getting fat.......my closet just shrinks my clothes.....oh yes.
Shirley and I took in a movie and ate afterwards today, Patty is coming over for coffee in the morning and Karrie and I are driving down to Provo Thursday to have lunch with Annie and let me see her dorm room.......and another week slips by!  Had two neat letters yesterday from our missionaries.........and Sherrie on cloud nine because the T J MAXX opened in Vernal!

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