Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Why dwell on "what if's" and worst-case scenarios when so many problems actually solve themselves?  Why focus on what might go wrong when so much can go right?  Worrying never did anybody any good. 
 I already know everything I need to know but some of it is stored in my subconscious.......and the subconscious mind is always working.......It is active night and day whether I act upon it or not.   My subconscious is the builder of my body, but I cannot consciously perceive or hear that inner silent process.  If I keep my conscious mind busy with the expectations of the best , and make sure the thoughts I habitually think are based on things that are true, just and harmonious then I am moving in the right take care of your conscious mind and  know in your heart and soul that your subconscious mind is always expressing, reproducing  and manifesting according to your habitual thinking.
Remember, just as water takes the shape of the pipe it flows through  the life principle in you flows through you according to the nature of your thoughts.......
YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND NEVER GROWS OLD, IT IS TIMELESS, AGELESS AND ENDLESS.  It is a part of the universal mind of GOD.......which was never born and will never die........

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