Friday, August 29, 2014


The blank pages invite me to share, invent, play, create, reveal big or little parts of me......I love to Journal....
My many journals are truly joys to me......they are my map of me.......
It doesn't matter what I write in my journal, it is mine.  There is no right or wrong,.....good or just is.
I am free to talk about EVERYTHING and NOTHING!
A journal helps us search for our real self.  What do we really think, what do we really feel, what do we really see?  Tell all to those empty pages.
My journal is my witness, a teacher, a therapist, a trusted friend, a silent listener.........
"Our stories are seeds of our deepest longings and wishes.....they are metaphors of our life left printed for others to enjoy........or not!"
Looks like a long quiet weekend......LABOR DAY

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