Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Looking happy but feeling sad......her significant other just left for Vancover for two years.......Mission today.  Will she wait?   Only time will tell.  She is gorgeous, fun and a hot item out there......but you have to kiss a lot of frogs  until you find your prince......we will see.  Notice the 19th birthday candle behind her ear at dinner last week....hope she adds a couple more before she makes up her mind.
A story is told of identical twins, one a hope-filled optimist who often said, "Everything is coming up roses!"  The other twin was sad and hopeless pessimist who continually expected the worst to happen.  The concerned parents of the twins brought them to a psychologist in hopes he might be able to help them balance their personalities. On their next birthdays the parents put them in separate rooms  to open their presents. They were advised to give the pessimist the best toys you can afford, and give the optimist a box of manure."  When they peeked in on the pessimistic twin they heard him audibly complaining    I don't like these......tiptoeing across the corridor, the parents peeked in saw their optimistic son gleefully throwing manure up in the air.  He said " You can't fool me!  Where there is this much manure, there's gotta be a pony."

      Teach your children to look at life each day as a blessing about to happen, no an accident about to happen.  Yesterday was Labor Day and a very busy day....Post office to mail bills, swim with neighbor in the morning, off to a neighbors to tell them good-by before they move, off to a movie with a friend, shopping and dinner......finally done at 8:30 and pooped!
      Today swam with Pam, off to lunch and then IKIA  to check out bathroom fixtures......want to remodel my bathrooms.
Life is good and I am very tired tonight!

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