Thursday, September 11, 2014


What is normal?     This is my second grandson Alex with his new toy playing in the this normal for boys......he is 21?  I adore this cute boy just back from a Mission and in love and enjoying life......Tonight he is bringing little brother Ken and Greg.....almost part of the to stay all night on their way to the houseboat in Lake Powell in the morning......I love to have them stay with me and glad they like to matter how old they get.  Karrie and Annie flew down this morning with Sherrie and Darren for the weekend.   Scottie has football and can't leave town daddy Rich is baby sitting.
I have no favorites with my nine grandchildren.....I adore them all and all for different reasons.  They are all the same.......but different.  It is fascinating to ponder what makes us who we are.....I know it is the mysterious blend of upbringing, experience, personality and DNA.......that varies so much from person to person. It is unreal that of all the some seven billion people on the planet, no two of us are exactly the same......not even my twins.   Have you realized how utterly unique you are?  And have you ever wondered.....Am I Normal?  It turns out none of us is "normal"......which means that all of us are....even though we have a total individual array of idiosyncrasies, mannerisms and traits.   Realize we all do things a little differently.....or maybe even a lot differently and that is what is so wonderful......"AS IT TURNS OUT, NONE OF US IS NORMAL.....WHICH MEANS THAT ALL OF US ARE!"
AND .......14 years ago today the Twin Towers in New York were bombed by the terrorists. It is a sad day to remember and they are sad all over the US.....

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