Monday, September 15, 2014


I love pictures like this one......the twins, Annie and Darren flying off to Lake Powell for the weekend in his plane. Monday's for Missionary Mothers is always looked forward to.....and Grammies too.  Just to know your boys are fine and hanging in there.  This picture was on instagram and they are my P-Day updates for my families off for fun together.  I thoroughly enjoy Facebook and Instagram to follow the fun growing up days of the grandkids and all their comings and goings. Everyone is to busy to phone or write a letter......well, they don't know about letters, stamps and post offices......just texting!
      Been fighting a cold all weekend.....really dragging.  Our weather is beautiful and dinner on the Pannier's patio last night was perfect.....not to hot, no breeze or bugs.  Tiff was there and 6 months pregnant and looks so cute.  Baby due December 30th.....but I wouldn't bet on it!

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