Sunday, September 21, 2014


This my new HORTON.  This is him at 6 months in his mommie's tummy and we can hardly wait for him to arrive......I am having a ball buying baby clothes......This weekend I bought him his first tennis shoes and Levis and at the garage sale yesterday I bought a cradle for ten dollars.   It needs sanded and stained......I always wanted one for my girls but could only afford cribs, then I had a cute little white small crib but somehow  it got out of the family so now I got a chance to have swinging cradle.....we can just keep passing it around to the great-grandkids.  They have not come up with a name yet, but are working on the nursery......This family needs a new baby and the family tree is growing more limbs.
The Cooks invited me to dinner with them as they won a dinner at Chuck-a-Rama.....I have not been there for a 100 years and I am excited about use to be the place......but has changed.  Sherrie and Ken will be down from the cabin to stay all night later.......Life is good!.

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