Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Congratulations to Karrie and Rich on their 24th Wedding Anniversary....(really yesterday).....just late getting it posted.  Can't believe how time flys.  24 years ago after your wedding I was preparing to go to Spain and  You have come a long ways in the past years and as I left for my wonderful vacation little did I know 24 years later I would be so proud of your three wonderful perfect grandkids.  I have had so many good times with your family enjoying the growing up years.  Rich, his ball games, car deals, trips to Europe and the Philippines and oh yes girls and now off to my favorite place on a mission.  Annie.....beautiful and dances and shopping, cheerleading, off to India to volunteer  and now off to college......and in love.  And my Scottie who loved to sleep over, watching his games and seeing him grow into a teenager...... so cute.  I hope I have a few more years to watch them get married and make me a great-grandmother.  I love our Christmas Eves together and the fun trips you take me on.......thanks for sharing these wonderful people with me.
Where are the weeks going?  Last week not feeling so good with a bad cold.  Now this week the calendar is full.  Eye examine yesterday....bridge with Patty tomorrow......Lunch and dominos Friday....Sat is garage sale and movie day for me and Sherrie and Ken over night Sunday.  Thank goodness for family and friends......they make my life so wonderful. 93 degrees yesterday and today is suppose to be close to that!

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