Tuesday, September 9, 2014


When you say to someone.....have a nice day......you aren't talking about the weather usually.  You are hoping they don't break a leg or lose their job......but the last couple of days the weather is a big part of every one's day around Utah!  Thunder, lightening and torrents of rain one minute.....bright sunshine the next.  Lucky in our area no flooding, but some areas not so lucky.  Yep, the world is changing.
Just talked to a dear friend and we both complained how tired we are all the time and how we are not interested in doing all the things around the house we know we should be doing.  Yes, I feed the dog and fish and me everyday.....do laundry and change the bed every week or 10 days.....keep my plants watered and my bills paid.....but you ought to see my windows!  When you do the things you have to do when you have to do them, the day will come when you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them........Am I at that point in my life yet?  I am not as busy as a bee....even though I think at one time I might have been.....a busy little bee makes 4,200 trips to the flowers, averaging about ten trips a day, each trip lasting approximately 20 minutes to make just one tablespoon of honey.....the amount that might go on a biscuit.  He does this day in and day out until he dies......no retirement to look forward to.  Guess I won't complain any more.......

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