Monday, September 22, 2014


Did you ever wonder if your on the right path?......I like to believe "I'm not stuck; my GPS is just recalculating......I'm not lost; I 'm just finding my way......I'm not running late, either;.....I'm right on time for my dreams to start coming true.......There's more than one route to success, and I'm definitely on one!"
TODAY I see possibilities I didn't see before.  Today I can make great choices that boost my health and happiness.  Today, I can decide to dream instead of doubt.  There is just no limit to what I can do with today......a
TODAY my three daughters appeared with definitely something on their minds......we circled the table and they informed me they think I need  a ground level place????SOON.....they worry I will fall up or down my 3 floor split level.......where I have lived 27 years........ this November 18th.  Well, secretly I have been thinking how nice one level would be....  My knees are really bothering me, I don't like the big back yard, I don't like going down in the basement to do laundry and even Gigi is getting bad hips and the stair are hard on my dog........Well is it a coincidence or is it meant to be that one just came up on another street. If it is not too much and the kids would help with the remodeling it might just be the answer to every one's prayers........Karrie was going to have Richard do some checking and talk to the people.....his forte....I doubt if I sleep much tonight thinking about how much work a move for me will me.

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