Tuesday, September 30, 2014


  Well here we are ......the last day of September......the Fall flowers are so pretty but the frost will get them soon.  The yellow of Sun Flowers make me smile.  I am spending a very quiet day in Vernal.....boys off to school and work.  Alex not feeling good......hope Ken doesn't get it.  A bright spot in my day started off with 8 beautiful deer wandering across the field next to Sherrie's house......on their way to the lake I guess.  Long email from Brayden and Richard yesterday......so great to hear from or about them each week. 
Been thinking there must be a formula for happiness like.......Every day, do some things you need to do.....but not your whole list......something you want to do......can't do chores all the time!  Then something that will help you make your dreams come true like cleaning closets, drawers or cupboards that get rid of so much stuff that just seems to creep in one thing at a time over the 27 years I have lived in my condo. Dreading the thought of moving, but the girls seem pretty firm and determined I need to.....NOW!

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