Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Well here it is October 1st already and my Mexican Missionary will be home in a little over 3 months......Two years seems like forever when they leave......but somehow you get through it.  I wonder how much he has changed and grown up and will be speaking Spanish like a pro.......He just had to have this outfit as a reminder of his mission and I hope he never gains a pound or two.   Love ya Richie.
Still hanging out in Vernal with my two sweet Christenson boys ......and freezing to death.  Zipped off to Walmart an the post office this and that big caddie are finding our way around Vernal finally.  Talked to Lucille and Shirley this morning.....Salt Lake is still there and cold also......Lucille getting ready for Becky's wedding and worrying about a growth in her throat that has to be removed.....always something.  Shirley looking forward to dinner at the Willow Creek Country night out.
A SLC Postman delivered a package here yesterday and Alex answered the door....He went back to work and an Animal Control agent knocked on my door and said a complaint had been issued about our little white dog! I told her I thought she had the wrong address and she left......I called Alex and he said yes, Macie had nipped at the guy but he said it didn't break the skin and he said he was ok.  Well he went down and turned it in and she came back and saw her and the rabies tag and said she was court ordered to stay in our yard or be on a lease for 10 days....Darren will be home by then and can take care it.  I always worry about the  kids getting in trouble......but the first time for any of the dogs I have tended!  Well, time to start some dinner so the boys can get to Mutual tonight.......

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